What do you call your mom?
Well, I call mine “Super-Mom!”
She has raised 4 beautiful, well-adjusted children! 😉
She has moved almost every 4 years with my dad’s job, and has made the best of it!
She is an amazing teacher and gives SOOOO much of herself to the children who have been lucky enough to have called her “teacher.”
She is an awesome cook!
She is not an awesome housekeeper, but hey, not all super heroes are perfect! 😉
She has walked the road of ill-health with my dad so many times, the path is very well worn.
She is strong.
She rarely complains.
She loves to laugh and play games.
She is devoted to Jesus and follows Him daily.
She keeps my Dad on track! Â Without her, he would be lost!!
She loves hanging out with her grandkids, and always loses weight when she is with us, as she keeps up with them quite well!
She prays for her children and grandchildren daily.
She is a compassionate friend.
She is my mom!
And I am so grateful to her! Â After I became a mom, I realized how much my mom loved me and understood her all the more!
I love you, mom! Â And I love it that I can also call you friend! Â You are that to me!

Wow, quite the woman, your mom. Thank you dear daughter