Monthly Archives: December 2012


South Africa holds the distinction of being ranked #4 in a list of 2012’s most dangerous countries. Sadly, we also hold the title of rape capital of the world with 118 rapes per 100,000 people, and the murder rate is among the highest in the world.

Most of the time, we don’t really focus on these troubling statistics or even think about them at all.  However, Carl does occasionally send me e-mail links to newsjust to help me stay alert.  We do not live in fear…but sometimes when the crime strikes close to home, it causes you to evaluate where you are and why you are here.   Read More…

“Who’s Looking After the Kids?”

November wasn’t a typical month in the life of the Waldron household.  With a 3-week trip booked for HopeShares (Seed of Hope’s Canadian partner), I we preparing final details in late October when we learned that Michelle’s dad, Ray, would need heart surgery.  A handful of complex health concerns meant that although the surgery would not be major, the situation was worrisome.  Mish and I spent a few days talking through the options, and eventually I said “I think you need to go – for your sake and your parents’.” Read More…

Inches and Kilometres

I recently read a story about a little boy who had just learned about inches in school.  He and his family were going on a road trip to Capetown and he wanted to know how many “inches it was to Capetown.”  Well, the family lived in Durban, which is 1750 kilometers from Capetown!!  The Mom tried to convince him that he shouldn’t measure such long distances with such a small measurement, but he was determined to know the inches!

I was struck with how we do the same thing – we view our life and our circumstances with what we know and understand – our own little measuring stick…

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