Monthly Archives: June 2014

carrot woman

I was given a zulu name last week!  FINALLY!  After living in South Africa for 7 years, I have a Zulu name.  Nomphilo.  It means “to have health” or “to be healthy.”  Very fitting for me as I LOVE all things healthy!  I have quite a reputation around these parts for being the “carrot woman.”   Read More…

Filling Bathtubs

I was working a night shift on December 31, 1999, on a nephrology ward at a hospital in Edmonton, Alberta.  I remember clearly talking to my manager as I got off of work at 11pm.  She asked me to keep my phone on in case life as we knew it fell apart when that computer turned over to the year 2000.  Y2K. Read More…

Furlough schmurlough

Furlough – A word all missionaries are very familiar with and delight in!  A time to see family, to eat foods that are familiar and comforting, to shop in stores that seem “normal,” to hug family anytime they want to, to rest, to recuperate, and to prepare to head back to the foreign land they now call home.   Read More…

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