I just looked at the date of my last blog post. It has been 5+ weeks!!!! Gulp. Swallow. Gulp. Biggest apologies to my lovely family and friends who read my updates. Lots of GREAT stuff has been happening (hence the lack of blog writing time) and lots of super stuff is about to happen! Read…
Author: Michelle
To Fringe or Not to Fringe
I am a lover of all things “cheap.” Okay, not cheap, as in dollar store cheap (or in South Africa they call it “Chinese store” cheap.) But cheap, as in recycled, reused, and re-loved! 🙂 I am in the midst of planning for a women’s retreat for our church and I was in charge of…
On Whales, Dead things, and Happy endings
Last week we received a text informing us that a dead whale had been beached. Normally we don’t run out to look at dead animals, but a whale is a different story. Not often that one would get to see such an enormous, magnificent beauty in the wild, so we decided to go.
Hobo Holidays (or Vacation Vagabonds)
Everyone dreams of going on vacation! Holidays are such a fun part of life! And we have been blessed to have gone on some pretty spectacular family holidays. But living in South Africa on a bit of a tight budget has helped us learn to be creative with our holiday-making! Today, I thought I would…
We have been a part of a network of NGOs for quite a few years now called Soul Action. It has been such a blessing in our lives both personally and professionally. We have met some amazing people working in all different areas of community service; we have taken Soul Action courses that have challenged…
Look Again
Nate’s prayer over lunch today was something like this. Thank you for my awesome family. Thank you that we have enough food to eat. Thank you that everyone in my family loves me. Thank you that we don’t struggle to live.
carrot woman
I was given a zulu name last week! FINALLY! After living in South Africa for 7 years, I have a Zulu name. Nomphilo. It means “to have health” or “to be healthy.” Very fitting for me as I LOVE all things healthy! I have quite a reputation around these parts for being the “carrot woman.”…
Did you know…
…that approximately 30% of the population of the province I live in is HIV+? That is 1 out of 3! Yet people are still quite ignorant about HIV and how the virus works.
Filling Bathtubs
I was working a night shift on December 31, 1999, on a nephrology ward at a hospital in Edmonton, Alberta. I remember clearly talking to my manager as I got off of work at 11pm. She asked me to keep my phone on in case life as we knew it fell apart when that computer…
Furlough schmurlough
Furlough – A word all missionaries are very familiar with and delight in! A time to see family, to eat foods that are familiar and comforting, to shop in stores that seem “normal,” to hug family anytime they want to, to rest, to recuperate, and to prepare to head back to the foreign land they…