I am a lover of all things “cheap.” Okay, not cheap, as in dollar store cheap (or in South Africa they call it “Chinese store” cheap.) But cheap, as in recycled, reused, and re-loved! 🙂 I am in the midst of planning for a women’s retreat for our church and I was in charge of coming up with a craft for us to do. With my favourite resource, Pinterest, I was able to find a LOT of great “cheap” ideas, but settled on making scarves from old t-shirts. These are a few of the ones I made while practicing….

Excuse the silly model. 🙂
What do you think? Do you have a favourite? Would you wear one of these? They are all made from recycled old t-shirts! Did I mention how much I love making something new out of something old? Sooo much fun!
Leave a comment and tell me which one you would wear.
Or which one you wouldn’t be seen wearing!
Hi Michelle – those are all awesome – and I am not a scarf wearer! I really like the fringe once and my favorite is the 4th one.
Your ladies retreat looks like it will be so much fun. So wish I could come and join and do some work with you all. I miss being involved. We think of you often and continue to pray for your family and the work in SA.
Oh Elaine, how we would love to have you there!!!!! Your favourite is my favourite! 😉 Thank you for your love and support! We think of you often too!! Hope we can see you when we are home in January.
Wonderful idea! I love how you can be so creative. The women should totally love this.
Thanks mom! I am thinking of making some more for Christmas gifts… although now I can’t that I have blogged all about it! 🙂
They’re are nice, and you can make me one too if you want, Praying for your retreat our church is having their retreat this weekend I’m unable to go I’m just not strong enough yet, Getting better each day, thanks for the prayers
Glad you are feeling better, Aunt Lee. Sorry you are missing out on a nice weekend away. Thanks for the comments on the scarves. They are a fun way to use old t-shirts! 😉
I really like the loopy one. If you have a link to how to do that could you Facebook it to me?
Yes, for sure Michelle. I will send you the link now. 🙂
I love #3. It’s all about the white and color for me. I do love the fringe though. I have a ton of scarfs and I think they all have a fringe.
Yay! Lots of people are liking #3. I wasn’t so sure about it, but happy people like it! 😉
I’m thinking #1 doubled and #2 are my favorites! ; ). Love it! Are you going to make them all or have the ladies make them?
The ladies will make their own. We have been collecting old t-shirts for awhile so it is going to be lots of fun!! I am going to show them two of the styles and let them choose which one they make. One with a fringe and one without. I hope they like them! I will have to send you a picture of another one that one of my colleagues sent me of #1 doubled… it is creamy white and I LOVE it!!!